Friday, September 28, 2012


Nota Syukur 28 September 2012.

Most of my sewing projects had to be put on hold sebab bila dah siap potong-potong kain, nak jahit tepi kena tunggu pegi kedai jahit tepi lah pulak dulu. So as to this moment, ada satu beg kain-kain yang menunggu masa untuk dijahit tepi:

But last night, due to extreme anxiety, I proceed with one of the project. Tak payah jahit tepi, just lipat mana yang patut. Hehe... Alhamdulillah, I successfully completed the BIG BLUE LAZY BAG! 

I think there's much to improve (still), but I was so happy with this! I'm now more anxious to do the other projects I had planned for long. May Allah ease everything for me. 

What more can I say? Sewing is truly calming and satisfying! :D

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kek Kukus Chocolate Moist (II)

Nota Syukur 27 September 2012.

Alhamdulillah, berjaya buat Kek Kukus Chocolate Moist buat kali kedua. What's  more, kali ni buat 2 kek sebab ada tempahan daripada sepupu a.k.a best friend (till Jannah, Insya Allah), Cik Salwana atau nama glam nya 'Kak Ngah'. Truthfully, masa dia cakap nak order tu, I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach! Yelah, saya baru belajar2 je buat kek, tak sangka ada pulak yang nak order. Tapi, sebab kebetulan memang plan nak buat kek untuk anak-anak malam tadi, so, saya terima lah order dia. Sebenarnya lebih kepada niat nak tolong buatkan je. Mana tau kan, this is a stepstone for something more... ;)

Maha Suci Allah, lepas dah bancuh kek semua, masa nak kukus, bekas yang baru saya beli untuk kukus kek tu tinggi sikit daripada bekas kukus tu sendiri, so, tak boleh tutup lah kukus tu. Allahu Akbar, saya pun dengan tawakkal kepada Allah, letak je tutup kukus tu atas bekas kek (maksudnya kukus tu tak tertutup rapat). Daripada masa kukus sepatutnya hanya 1 jam setengah, kek ni siap hanya selepas 2 jam setengah dikukus. Huhuhu... Memang lama, tapi Alhamdulillah dapat juga disiapkan. Tinggal rasa je tak pasti macam mana, hopefully ok.. Kita tunggu verdict cik yang order ye...

Saja nak kongsi resipi yang saya guna untuk kek ni. Saya dapat di sini. Terima kasih banyak kepada tuan punya resipi! :D


2 cawan tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil baking powder (saya guna 1 sudu kecil sahaja)
1/2 sudu kecil baking soda
3/4 cawan minyak masak
1 cawan gula
1 cawan air suam
1/2 cawan susu pekat
1 cawan serbuk koko
3 biji telur
Esen vanilla
(untuk topping:)
1/2 bar coklat masakan
2 sudu besar butter
1/2 sudu besar gula halus
Esen vanilla

  1. Ayak tepung gandum, serbuk koko, baking powder & baking soda.
  2. Panaskan kukus.
  3. Pukul telur hingga berbuih, masukkan gula & pukul lagi hingga kembang dan gula hancur.
  4. Masukkan tepung yang sudah diayak tadi sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam telur, selang selikan dengan air suam.Kacau guna senduk kayu atau spatula.
  5. Masukkan beberapa titik esen vanilla, susu pekat & minyak masak. Kacau sebati, tetapi jangan terlebih kacau. Guna kaedah 'kaup-balik'. (Kacau adunan ke arah kita dan seolah-olah buat nombor 8. *** Memang lenguh sikit kacau guna kaedah ni, hehe...***
  6. Masukkan adunan dalam acuan kek 20 cm, tutup dengan aluminium foil dan kukus selama 1 jam - 1 jam setengah.
  7. Untuk topping: Masak semua bahan secara 'double boiler'. (Saya masukkan semua bahan dalam mangkuk kaca & letak atas periuk berisi air.)
  8. Bila kek dan topping dah agak sejuk, tuang topping atas kek dan ratakan. Lepas tu boleh tabur chocolate rice. 

    Comotnya sapuan topping, kerja amatur... huhuhu... ;)
  9. Close-up
    Selepas disejukkan dalam peti sejuk
    Ready for delivery! :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cosmetic Pouch DONE! :D

Nota Syukur 18 September 2012.

Alhamdulillah, berjaya juga menyiapkan projek 'Cosmetic Pouch'. Truly satisfied, but there are much to improve. Hope to do better for the next project. Oh by the way, Keena asked one for herself and I'm thinking of making not just a cosmetic pouch for her, but maybe a stationery case for her schooling next year, Insya Allah. So, I should be on a quest to find cute fabrics, eh? ;)

Colours of the fountain (and LIFE!)

Remember the day we went for the Amazing Cruise at The Mines?

That same night we went to Putrajaya after a fine dinner at Wong Solo. Nothing much, but we did enjoyed the 'changing-colour-fountain' at Dataran Putrajaya. Quite nice.

Reminder that our life is also like that, somedays we are 'blue', somedays are as bright as a sunshine! I believe we should do the best with what Allah gives us, regardless of how our days are. :)

A Peace of Mind @ The Mines

Nota Syukur 16 September 2012.

Recommended trip ~ The Amazing Cruise at The Mines South Lake & North Lake. Sebelum naik takdelah expect so much, just for the sake of entertaining Keena & Rayyan naik bot. But surprisingly, it turned out to be quite a fun trip. Also, it gave a peace of mind just enjoying the scenery and the nice weather, Alhamdulillah...

I'll let (most of) the pictures speak for themselves... ;)

This is where the boat was brought 8 metres down to level with the lake

Once at 8 metres lower, the gate to the lake opened


More flamingos...

Fish feeding

While we're feeding the fishes, they're feeding the birds

Small tortoise swimming here... See it?

The boat was brought up 8 metres again after the 1st lake's cruise

The tunnel heading to the other lake

Giant lizard (a.k.a 'biawak')!

Duck feeding

Duck & Goose house... nice eh?


Beautiful white swan in the middle of the lake! :)

Ayah as excited as the kids!

Another one came along!!